Try drawing a box on the image by left clicking and dragging.
Display Format
Bounding Box Coordinates
XYXY (x1, y1, x2, y2) → top left: (x1, y1), bottom right: (x2, y2)
No box drawn
XYWH (x, y, width, height) → top left: (x, y), width and height of
No box drawn
Normalized XYWH (pixel values in range of 0-1)
No box drawn
Center XYWH (cx, cy, w, h) → (center x, center y, width, height)
No box drawn
Model | Summary | Bounding Box Format |
YOLO | Real-time object detection system. Training format uses normalized coordinates for better generalization across different image sizes. | Normalized XYWH (x, y, w, h) in range [0,1] |
Faster R-CNN | Region proposal network based detection. Typically uses absolute coordinates during inference, but may use normalized coordinates during training. | XYXY (x1, y1, x2, y2) or normalized coordinates |
SSD | Single Shot MultiBox Detector uses normalized coordinates for anchor boxes and predictions to handle multiple scales efficiently. | Normalized XYWH (x, y, w, h) in range [0,1] |
RetinaNet | Dense object detector with focal loss. Uses normalized coordinates for anchor boxes and predictions. | Normalized XYWH (x, y, w, h) in range [0,1] |
CornerNet | Anchor-free detector that predicts keypoint heatmaps. Uses normalized coordinates for better scale invariance. | Normalized Corners (x1, y1, x2, y2) in range [0,1] |