Bounding Box Coordinate Tool

Image created by Flux Pro with prompt 'an image of a living room with plenty of different furniture objects'

Try drawing a box on the image by left clicking and dragging.

Display Format

Bounding Box Coordinates

XYXY (x1, y1, x2, y2) → top left: (x1, y1), bottom right: (x2, y2)
No box drawn
XYWH (x, y, width, height) → top left: (x, y), width and height of box
No box drawn
Normalized XYWH (pixel values in range of 0-1)
No box drawn
Center XYWH (cx, cy, w, h) → (center x, center y, width, height)
No box drawn
Model Summary Bounding Box Format
YOLO Real-time object detection system. Training format uses normalized coordinates for better generalization across different image sizes. Normalized XYWH (x, y, w, h) in range [0,1]
Faster R-CNN Region proposal network based detection. Typically uses absolute coordinates during inference, but may use normalized coordinates during training. XYXY (x1, y1, x2, y2) or normalized coordinates
SSD Single Shot MultiBox Detector uses normalized coordinates for anchor boxes and predictions to handle multiple scales efficiently. Normalized XYWH (x, y, w, h) in range [0,1]
RetinaNet Dense object detector with focal loss. Uses normalized coordinates for anchor boxes and predictions. Normalized XYWH (x, y, w, h) in range [0,1]
CornerNet Anchor-free detector that predicts keypoint heatmaps. Uses normalized coordinates for better scale invariance. Normalized Corners (x1, y1, x2, y2) in range [0,1]